There comes a time when moving on in inevitable. Normally, it's not a welcomed change but this time it is.
I finally realized that there is a difference between being alive and actually living. It flat out sucks when you realize that for the past several months of your life you've been doing nothing but the bare minimum letting life changing experiences pass you by.
It sucks when you finally realize that you've let your life be taken over by something that has no right to. When you let people walk all over you just because it's easier that way. When you let the person that you truly are and are meant to be be taken from you because you're afraid to fight back.
It's so clear to me that the past couples years of my life have been filled with mistakes, and not the ones that I knew were mistakes from the start. I drifted so far from everything and everybody in my life. I lost my faith, a lot of my friends, and in a way, my family.
I became the exact opposite of who I want to be in every possible way. I use to be happy, genuinely happy not the fake crap I've been pulling lately. It's doesn't make sense to me. I don't know why I let it get this far.
Today is the day that I pick up the pieces of my life and start reassembling it. It's been ripped apart for far too long. I'm ready to be me again and to live for nobody but myself.
A special post by a special 18 year old. I am so very glad you entered my life. You truly are an inspiration for many people. And a VERY talented women.