Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 49 - The Small Things

There's something about today that led me to be sentimental. Maybe it's that I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my life and what truly matters.

I volunteered at the preschool down the street from my house today. One of my favorite little kids goes there and I got to spend some time with her.

At some point it hit me that the kid sitting on my lap and singing nursery rhymes to me and that had just shown me her wiggly tooth and the gap from the one she had already lost and that could pump on the swing higher then any other kid had grown up.

It's honestly amazing to me how fast time goes. I can vividly remember pushing her in her stroller up to the park before she was even one to push her on the swing. Heck, I remember before she even had a tooth to lose. It seems like yesterday, but is been almost 6 years since I met that little girl.

Today showed me that I really and truly need to start living in the moment because there are only so many minutes in a day and they add up quickly and if you skip even a few you can miss monumental things.

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